July 7, 2021
After a 20% spike in one day last week, UROY (Uranium Royalty Corp.) has been down several days in a row, take peek at the daily chart. I am still working into full position on this one, so welcome the pullback, but might have to adjust my “full position size” if the volatility stays elevated. This would force me to bring down the number of shares I intend to own, but for now I am keeping things as originally planned. I will update the stop levels and desired position size in the tabs above, for subscribers to the site. You can also see my total position sizes and unrealized gains and losses under the Daily Account Statements tab. I was up on UROY, now sitting on a slight loss, but still looking to get bigger position.

Long time readers know how important position sizing is, in fact its the most important aspect of any trading plan. This stock illustrates the point perfectly, had I been already too heavy in the trade, this pullback might shake me out (stop me out), rather than being viewed as an opportunity. Of course, as always its the size of my orders and positions that matter most, so keep up with me on the tabs mentioned above, they are critical to a trader and wile different for each individual, very similar in many ways no matter who makes the trade. The principles fo risk control apply to everybody!