How I make money

IMPORTANT : Below is what we’re looking at currently, but pay attention to our UPDATES on the side of each page for actual entry/exit times and prices. Refresh pages often! You will witness our winners AND losers; something that is rare in our business. TO VERIFY ACTUAL PRICES AND TIMES, PLEASE CLICK ON  A TICKER ENTRY TO THE RIGHT.  ALL TRADES, WHEN THEY OCCURED, ARE VIEWABLE.  Whenever possible, we have included the ETF symbol for those who are not experienced trading futures, etc.


1. We trade anything, long or short, as signals present. This includes stock, futures, commodities, currencies, and ETF’s. There is no charge, and we are not compensated in any way other than our trading.

 3. We will try to make it as easy as possible to follow us.  Some times we’re active, and other times are quiet, so check back with us frequently and stay focused!

 4. Professionals rarely catch the bottom or nail the top, but we make money and have fun. View our trading as the process of many trades, not just one trade at a time.  This is how professionals stay sane and profitable. Each trade is just a component of our overall system.

5. Patience and discipline are critical. If you find it difficult to follow a game plan, find a true professional to assist you. One caveat, most claims of success cannot be substantiated. Most “traders” do not make money, and few can prove they are successful. Be skeptical unless you can attain real time results on all trades (both winners AND losers).

6. Life is short. Discover what you love and get busy! Trading has enabled us to live lives beyond our wildest dreams. If it’s not for you, or you can’t make it work, ask a winner for help.

Our goal at this site is simple.  We will post ALL of our actual trades as they occur, including exact price and time.

There are too many sites/blogs touting their profits AFTER the action. These sites are of little use to readers.  Occasionally, we’ll explain the reasoning and other notable details.

Feel free to watch, analyze, or do the trades yourself.  This site will show you what REAL traders do in REAL time.  Try not to judge success or failure by the last trade only, as professionals understand it’s a series of many trades that determines the true results.  In other words, don’t try to pick the trades that will work and the ones that won’t, as they are all equally important!

We will try to respond to e-mails and comments, but we are traders first, teachers second. Hope you understand.

You will notice little or no ads, unless we truly endorse the product or service. We wish to maintain the integrity of this site, and hope visitors feel the same.

We encourage any questions and comments on how to improve our site, and hope you find it useful.  This is a great business, but the learning curve can really take awhile as most successful traders don’t have any reason to share ideas.  This site is our way of giving back to the trading arenas, in the name of the few mentors we found that helped us along the way.  Good luck!