Thursday, Sept. 2-Another Quiet Day
September 2, 2021
Not much to report today, it’s pretty quiet before Labor Day on Monday, so it won’t surprise me if tomorrow is similar. While I love the markets, at least when they traded freely, I also have things I would rather do than sit at the computer pecking the keyboard like a monkey when opportunities are limited. In fact, we had only one small trade today, a partial fill on out IRVRF (Irving Resources) buy limit order.
Since I don’t like wasting people’s time or my own, let me just post a weekly chart of IRVRF so you have an idea of the potential this stock has. Irving is an extremely high-grade explorer in Japan, and a favorite of Bob Moriarty over at, and last I knew it was his largest holding. It’s tightly held (most shares in the hands of a few people that are in it for the long haul), and we made a very nice score on this stock our first time around. It’s time to get involved again, in my opinion, so that is what we are doing. I don’t like chasing stocks or paying up, so I just sit on the bid or slightly below, and take in any shares that people cannot stand holding anymore. It’s worked before, it will work again. Here is the WEEKLY chart of IRVRF….